by Mia Carrasco


Now that 2020 has finally ended and we have had some time to reflect, how should we look back at our accomplishments, or lack of, considering the circumstances of the last year?

I think that as a society we have a tendency to place a lot of weight on physical, visible, and tangible accomplishments. We really value the accomplishments we can see and touch.


While yes, those kinds of accomplishments are great reminders of our actions and decisions, when keeping the crazy year that 2020 has been in mind, I think we should reevaluate the way we look at this past year. In the midst of quarantine, social distancing, and safeguards for health this past year, many plans have been cancelled or have changed. Meaning the way that we can accomplish certain goals has changed too.


I'm not saying that we should give up on every goal that we made for 2020, but I think that we should also give ourselves grace. God's grace overflows, and His grace is constant.


In Hebrews 4:16, we are reminded that we can "...with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."


So often, we read about, hear about, and talk about the grace that God freely extends to us. Yet, at the same time it is so easy for us, especially myself, to extend grace to everyone but ourselves. Sometimes it can be difficult to give ourselves grace because we know ourselves best, and we always think we can do better.


While sometimes we can do more or do better, it is important to remember that we are humans and sometimes we get tired, or overwhelmed. In those moments, we should rest in the grace that God extends to us in our times of need. We should also work to truly accept that grace within our hearts, not just our minds.


So this year, when you feel the need to be ashamed about all the plans or goals that you had to hit pause on, remember that there is grace to move forward. We can confidently come to God in our struggle, and like it is said in Hebrews 4:16, we will "find grace to help in time of need."